Aqua Regia Gold Refining Tumbler

Aqua regia gold Refining Tumbler is a new technology compared to the static refining plants.

It is mainly a total different way to work. The static refining unit is an handicraft way to refine, the “Tumbler Machine” is an industrial way to refine.

Aqua regia gold Refining Tumbler is a new technology compared to the static refining plants.

It is mainly a total different way to work. The static refining unit is an handicraft way to refine, the “Tumbler Machine” is an industrial way to refine.

This refining system consists of a cylinder made of polypropylene having an inclination of about 25° and it continuously rotates by means of a special motor, with the possibility to adjust also the speed rotation.

This continuous rotation allows a very good rubbing of the gold grains and consequently a quick and proper dissolution of them.
the “ Tumbler “ is equipped with a Pyrex glass condenser with a cool water circulation that allows a good acids recovery and a good fumes neutralization.

Another big advantage is that it can work also in the night without any workers’ supervision.

It is a polyvalent unit as it allows to refine the gold grains as well as the casting scraps and some types of precious ashes.

The plant is mainly made up of:


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